

choose 2 web portals , exchange the design.
I picked 2 online shopping website from UK and China. As they are very typical of different design method in different culture.

Asos is ithe UK's largest online-only fashion and beauty store. Primarily aimed at 18–34 year old men and women. I always shopping there. The web page is quiet simple and clean. all the items are well photoed in white background. however, it kind of boring for me. While I using this webpage for shopping I cant stay more than 1hr then I get bored. But it is clear with all the information shown on it.

"meilishuo" http://www.meilishuo.com/guang/attr/34328 is a website that people can share items of online shopping products. Most of them can be bought online.  if u click on the link above, you will see how it works.
you will see alot pictures arranged  irregularity, you will see how many people like this items and the comments below. all the products are well photographed, for the people from UK they might not like this websites it kind of too complex, but it is very popular for chinese girls. it will takes me hours of looking through this find the products you like.

