

Color & Culture

Color is a very subjective thing. How someone ‘sees’ a color is not easily measured, and may be very different between individuals. Although we may not all see a color the same, within our cultural group the emotional response to the color is surprisingly common. While there are still commonalities in the meanings of colors around the world, it may also differ greatly between cultures.

Single Color Meanings

A single color may have totally contrasting meanings, depending on where in the world you live. For example, white is perceived as purity and virtue in western society, while in many Asian countries it represents mourning. In the Middle East, it may represent both! The table below, modified from several sources(1, 2), highlights the differences in the meanings of colors between different cultural groups. Some references gave very different meaning to colors, and all these have been included in the table. For example, one reference gave yellow a cowardly meaning1, while another said it indicated joy and happiness(2).
The color of wedding dresses around the world is a good example of the contrasting symbolic colors used. In Australia and other westernized countries, white is the standard color, representing purity. In India, red is the color of purity, and is used in wedding outfits (2), though usually to complement white (3). Even in western society, the colors have changed over time. In the 15th century Renaissance masterpiece, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, painted by Jan Van Eyck, the bride wears green as a symbol of her fertility (3).

Historical meanings

As each culture developed within its own pockets of population, they each developed their own meanings of colors Despite this, there is still a lot of commonality between traditional cultural meanings of colors
For some colors, it is obvious to see where the symbolism originated – the green of lush growing plants representing fertility, and the unadulterated color white representing purity. Also, in general, cool colors such as blue and green tend to have been given a positive meaning, while warm colors such as red and orange negative meanings.

The Globalization of Color

The meanings of colors have changed over the years as the influence of cultures has spread. In the recent past, the world is becoming more westernized with the influence of TV and the internet.
There is a potential danger with the use of color on the internet, as the World Wide Web goes to all corners of the globe. The web is dominated by sites from the USA and other western countries, and therefore the colors used will be influenced by designers mostly brought up in a western culture. This may result in confusing meanings to some web users. The web design feature at About.com2 suggests that blue can be considered the safest global color, due to its mostly positive meanings throughout the world.

artefact- color

3 differ color of website.


as i have silightly changed my research question from "how effective is it to change the aesthics of websites according to their target market" to mainly research Chinese webdesign and western countires. compare the difference between those countires try to find out vairty of reasons that influence the design. linguistics, cultural patterns, models of cultures, and cognitive style.


some nice website to share

Most websites use html5 +CCS3,  have awesome design and the program.
a brand collection of good webdesigns

Is also a great beautiful website collection station, don't need a gorgeous effect, very complicated technology, as long as the design and the combination of good, you can create a good user experience


 design 1, with a childish style and many cartoons in it, make a cheerful, funny virson.
design2, just normal websites showed alot information,  would have many pictures and a advertisement viedo in home page. might attract people to go further information for it.

design3, a clear simple design. with soft green color. could make the user feel safe and relax.  my favourite design.


some sketches

Thinking about making a enter page, with warm kindly color. Make it more attractive.

some sketches of the struture.

This is site of another baby center set in different area.  The green background is too bright. But the conect is clear.

external project so far

got email from my client of the brief at 01/13/2013
MY client Join the institution from 2010,01,10
8pages include:
home, contact us, lessons, activity, gallery, parental questionnaire, news.
a video show in home page.
book for visit the learning center.

The main clolor [ yellow green red ]

further information and source:

pictures received at 29 of January

I make a questionnair form for them to get the source of parental questionnair,
2 sides of A4 paper, I would like to make more benift for my client though this doesn't help alot for my project. Questions based on the one I found before, but sligtly changed.



choose 2 web portals , exchange the design.
I picked 2 online shopping website from UK and China. As they are very typical of different design method in different culture.

Asos is ithe UK's largest online-only fashion and beauty store. Primarily aimed at 18–34 year old men and women. I always shopping there. The web page is quiet simple and clean. all the items are well photoed in white background. however, it kind of boring for me. While I using this webpage for shopping I cant stay more than 1hr then I get bored. But it is clear with all the information shown on it.

"meilishuo" http://www.meilishuo.com/guang/attr/34328 is a website that people can share items of online shopping products. Most of them can be bought online.  if u click on the link above, you will see how it works.
you will see alot pictures arranged  irregularity, you will see how many people like this items and the comments below. all the products are well photographed, for the people from UK they might not like this websites it kind of too complex, but it is very popular for chinese girls. it will takes me hours of looking through this find the products you like.


i would like to make a online questionar on website for my client project.
so the customers can read the results of the questionar get more information of this company, even get invloded in it. (if possible)

eximple of questionar:

strongly agree



strongly disagree
don’t know/ no response
1My child enjoys school
2I feel that my child is safe and well cared for at school
3I feel that the school promotes good behaviour
4The school seeks the views of parents/carers and takes account of their suggestions and concerns
5I would feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem 
6I am well informed about my own child’s achievements
7I have used Kaleidos to keep me informed about what my child is doing in school
8I use the Reading Targets in my child’s chat book to support him/her with their reading (Years 1 and 2 only)
9I have enough information about how I can help my child with their learning
10I enjoy discussing the Thunks with my child
11The new books bought for the school library interest my child (Years 1 and 2)

maker a user bar in webpage


Decide on the approach..

Drupal is very powerful, it's so flexible that you have many ways to do things. That's why a 5 minutes of thinking is very recommended before we get our hands dirty.
The solution I thought of will work like this:
  • We will write a separate function, will call it garland_user_bar(). It decide, and return HTML for the login form, or the welcome message. It will contain the necessary code to check which one it should return.
  • In page.tpl.php, we will place a call to this function somewhere where it gets displayed in the top.
  • Back to the function, If it should show a login form, then it will just borrow the default login form, we will not try to create our own. Why? Because likely, the default form, while it looks rectangular in shape and fits in many lines, by checking view-source I could tell that we can style it using CSS just like in the screenshots without changing anything in the form itself.
  • If the user is already logged in, the function will instead return a nice welcome message, and some helpful links.
  • Now we have the logic, after that we will write some CSS to style it, to change how it looks.

HFI Animate: 7 principles that make your website more engaging with Dr. ...


client project - think about the custmer!!

"LOVE baby learning center "is a infant educational institution in China, They have 469 chain stores around different areas in China.

My client join this institution from 2010,01,10, set in Dalian. The brand have a main website, many web portals in china looks like this, many advertisements and links just for click. My client ask me to build a indepent website for them which can show more details of the unique feature aslo their scienctific method for children from 0-6 years old. 

This website will be mainly used for yound parents. from 20-35 years old, especailly in female.
the color used in their main website are light blue and pink. I will also keep these as the mail color in my website.



what is artefact??????????

1. something made or given shape by man, such as a tool or a work of art, esp an object of archaeological interest

2. anything man-made, such as a spurious experimental result

3. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Biology) Cytology a structure seen in tissue after death, fixation, staining, etc., that is not normally present in the living tissue
[from Latin phrase arte factum, from ars skill + facere to make]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Still not clear what artefact is .
as my research is about the changes in web design I start to think make a model of webpage using paper as the screen. filling with various design of each part in website. such as background, navagation bar, slide show. make them in different design of culture, try to put them in combination. research of how it effect on people from different culture.