Benefits - internet
- communicate globally
- encounter different and unusual people
- instantaneous
- its free..to an extent
- privacy of our home...to an extent
- share and express emotions, to be human
- creativity...leading to a career and profit
- fun
- specific types so that we get what we want( dating, religion, football etc)
- cuts across gender, age ethnicity etc
Visual essay- facebook

Facebook: a network, a research tool, a world?
One day symposium
24 October 2008
Liverpool John Moores University
facebook is one of the faster growing sites for social networking. Its popularity increases everyday, and so do the hopes, concerns and controversies that surround it. This event brings together researchers in Social sciences , Humanities and Education. who study facebook and its effect on our life and work, the sympoium will explore issues of trust, deeption and negatiation of identity the use of facebook for student support and learning, the use of facebook as a research tool, and many more.
to Audio-Visual Media and Technology: The Internet
explores how the web is changing our world, creating a culture in which more people than ever can participate, share and collaborate, ideas and information.
ideas take life when they are shared, That is why the web is such a potent platform for creativity and innovation.
It's also at the heart of wht the web should be good for: democracy, by giving more people a voice and the ability to oragnise themselves
Freedom- more opportunity for more people to be creative
Equality, by allowing knowledge to be set free.
ideas take life when they are shared, That is why the web is such a potent platform for creativity and innovation.
It's also at the heart of wht the web should be good for: democracy, by giving more people a voice and the ability to oragnise themselves
Freedom- more opportunity for more people to be creative
Equality, by allowing knowledge to be set free.

the artises name is labix, he is not very famous designer, but I really like his style. warm, pure and kind of pretty.
I have seen his work when i was like 14 years old. That really inspired me, i was thinking to be a designer of flash then.
also the music he choosed to use in his flash is perfect. but i like his drawing most.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories E3 2009 Debut Trailer [HQ] (Rate This Game)
another horror viedo game" silent hill'
I havent palyed this one, coz its too bloody and horrible. but the mod of building is really nice.
the last remnant[3D viedo game]--3D animation
sound effect website
this is quiet useful website, with plently of sound effect that can be download free. but i found it from in chinese. it seems that difficult to downlad sound free from a UK website.
this is quiet useful website, with plently of sound effect that can be download free. but i found it from in chinese. it seems that difficult to downlad sound free from a UK website.
sound record
I have booked the sound studio for 3times and been there for 4. at first i dont know how to use the equipment there so we have to do it gain. after 3times working there, finally, i know how to work with those machines. and we finish the voice over. but the sound i took on the day of filming in not every good. It was rather windy and i need to record the sound of buses. so they are quiet nosiy. so we have to do it again.

it takes me alot time to do with this. Ihave looked at some others poster and think this might be really attractive. every element here is the picture I took from the viedo we filming. as my computer has shut down by some mistake while I didnt save that picture i have seen on the interent, and i cant find it now. but it was 6numbers composed by many different colourful pics.
I edited this as i like, but this is quiet in a cheery way. we are going to use any music in our group viedo
begin to film
We started to film at Wednesday, though we arrived the bus station at 10, it tooks us almost 1 hour to get permision to film in the bus. we tried alot different angels to film the two charaters. And in this film Lisa not going to say any words

Sound in film has a..
(1) Narrative role
a) Direct Narrative role Many kind of sound have direct storytelling role in film making. Dialog and narration tell the story and narrative sound effects can be used in such capacity too, for example to draw the attention of the characters for an off screen event. Such direct narrative sound effects are often written into the script, since their use can influence when and where actors have to take some corresponding action.
b) Subliminal Narrative role Sound has a subliminal role. Sound is working on its audience unconsciously. While all viewers call tell apart the various objects in a picture - an actor, a table the walls of an room, listeners barely ever perceive sound so analytically. They tend to take sound in as a whole, despite its actually being deliberately constructed from many pieces.
Herein lies the key to an important storytelling power of sound The inability of listeners to separate sound into ingredients parts can easily produce " a willing suspension of disbelief" in audience, since they can not separately discern the function of various sound elements. These fact can be manipulated by filmmakers to produce a route to emotional involvement in the material by the audience
The most direct example this effect is often the film score. Heard in isolation, the actual score played with the film often do not make much sense. The music is deliberately written to enhance the mood of a scene and to underscore the action not as a foreground activity, but a background one. The function of the music is to "tell" the audience how to feel, from moment to moment: Soaring strings mean one thing, a single snare drum, another.
The emotional sound equation An example is the emotional sound equation that says that low frequencies represent a threat. Possibly this association has deep primordial roots, but if not, exposure to film sound certainly teaches the listener this lesson quickly. A distant thunderstorm played underneath an otherwise sunny scene indicates a sense of foreboding or doom, as told by this equation. An interesting parallel is that the shark in Jaws is introduced by four low notes on an otherwise calm ocean, an there are many other such examples.
(1) Narrative role
a) Direct Narrative role Many kind of sound have direct storytelling role in film making. Dialog and narration tell the story and narrative sound effects can be used in such capacity too, for example to draw the attention of the characters for an off screen event. Such direct narrative sound effects are often written into the script, since their use can influence when and where actors have to take some corresponding action.
b) Subliminal Narrative role Sound has a subliminal role. Sound is working on its audience unconsciously. While all viewers call tell apart the various objects in a picture - an actor, a table the walls of an room, listeners barely ever perceive sound so analytically. They tend to take sound in as a whole, despite its actually being deliberately constructed from many pieces.
Herein lies the key to an important storytelling power of sound The inability of listeners to separate sound into ingredients parts can easily produce " a willing suspension of disbelief" in audience, since they can not separately discern the function of various sound elements. These fact can be manipulated by filmmakers to produce a route to emotional involvement in the material by the audience
The most direct example this effect is often the film score. Heard in isolation, the actual score played with the film often do not make much sense. The music is deliberately written to enhance the mood of a scene and to underscore the action not as a foreground activity, but a background one. The function of the music is to "tell" the audience how to feel, from moment to moment: Soaring strings mean one thing, a single snare drum, another.
The emotional sound equation An example is the emotional sound equation that says that low frequencies represent a threat. Possibly this association has deep primordial roots, but if not, exposure to film sound certainly teaches the listener this lesson quickly. A distant thunderstorm played underneath an otherwise sunny scene indicates a sense of foreboding or doom, as told by this equation. An interesting parallel is that the shark in Jaws is introduced by four low notes on an otherwise calm ocean, an there are many other such examples.
(2) Grammatical role
Sound plays a grammatical role in the process of film making too. For instance if sound remains constant before an after a picture cut, the indication being made to the audience is that while the point of view many have changed, the scene has not shifted - we are in the same as before. So sound provides a form of continuity or connective tissue for films. In particular, one type of sound represented several ways plays this part. Presence and ambience help to "sell" the continuity of a scene to the audience.
Sound plays a grammatical role in the process of film making too. For instance if sound remains constant before an after a picture cut, the indication being made to the audience is that while the point of view many have changed, the scene has not shifted - we are in the same as before. So sound provides a form of continuity or connective tissue for films. In particular, one type of sound represented several ways plays this part. Presence and ambience help to "sell" the continuity of a scene to the audience.
Task: In your allocated group of five people and working in a specific production role you should plan, film and edit the short fiction script allocated to your group.Producer, director, camera & lighting, sound design and production and editor. ( if there are 6 in your group then this person should take lighting and camera assistant roles.
Other jobs and roles, not attached specifically to a major role in pre and post production should be divided amongst the group in an organised way.
Roles: Producer - Me ( Controls to project, Deals with paperwork, allocating roles and tasks)Director - Paras2 (The creative thinking behind the film)Assistant Director - Frazer (helps the director with tasks that needs completing)Sound - MG (choosing the right music and sound effects)Camera - Graeme (controls the camera positions and does the filming)Editor - Frazer (Layers and cuts the film. Pieces it together to create the final outcome)Lighting - Oliver (creates the lighting effects that are right for the film)
Script that we were given: "Ticket"
Title: Ticket
Black fills our vision and then finally we get a sense of movement and
then black surrounded by white. Now we can see a letter. And then a
GFX: Adult
That's what it says on the ticket
We can now see a bus ticket
So that's what I do. Try to act like an adult
Lisa sits in the bus station. She is holding the ticket
It's valid until tomorrow 04.29 am
A bus pulls away from its stop
Though nothing good is going to come out of
not being in bed asleep at that time
Hello. I've seen you sitting there... for an
hour or so now
Are you talking to me?
Yes. I've noticed you. Before. Nothing funny.
I work across the way
And you watch me?
No. That's sounds funny doesn't it...
If you say so
I mean funny. I don't mean funny funny. I
mean funny weird funny
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
It's just that you never go anywhere. Every
day. On this bench. You never go anywhere
Sam are at the back of the bus. Lisa is sitting, Sam stands. Lisa is
describing the people they pass. Sam turns back around and sits down
No way you can tell that?
Sam doesn't speak but she clearly disagrees
From ten seconds? Fifteen because so many
people get on? No way you can tell that
Lisa stares at Sam. Really looking at him. She looks him up and down
You've been working at the shop...
Carpet store
Carpet store for about three years. Longer
than you'd thought but there's a recession
and your girlfriend might leave you if you
had no job. So you stay there. You drive
rather than catch one of these
I'm not the only one who's been watching
You frayed collar, you can't be bothered
Sam fingers his collar
You can't be bothered to buy a new one if
you're leaving right?
Have you seen me with my girlfriend?
You got a picture on your car key fob, you
didn't have any idea of the price
You are pinning me to my seat. What else have
you got?
We have decided that we are going to put a bit of a twist on it. We are still going to keep the concept of a bus but change it slightly. So far we have an idea of the girl getting onto a bus and opening up her bus. She then starts to describe the guy in the book and suddenly in the background or to the side of her the guy appears. She then starts reading from the book but we are going to put a voice over on it rather than having her speak in the filming. Then when his lines come up he will lip sync to it and again have a voice over to it. At the end of the scene she closes the book at the guy disappears.We are going to play around with the camera to get different shots back and forth like in the film 'black hole'. Things like going back and forth form him to her.
Other jobs and roles, not attached specifically to a major role in pre and post production should be divided amongst the group in an organised way.
Roles: Producer - Me ( Controls to project, Deals with paperwork, allocating roles and tasks)Director - Paras2 (The creative thinking behind the film)Assistant Director - Frazer (helps the director with tasks that needs completing)Sound - MG (choosing the right music and sound effects)Camera - Graeme (controls the camera positions and does the filming)Editor - Frazer (Layers and cuts the film. Pieces it together to create the final outcome)Lighting - Oliver (creates the lighting effects that are right for the film)
Script that we were given: "Ticket"
Title: Ticket
Black fills our vision and then finally we get a sense of movement and
then black surrounded by white. Now we can see a letter. And then a
GFX: Adult
That's what it says on the ticket
We can now see a bus ticket
So that's what I do. Try to act like an adult
Lisa sits in the bus station. She is holding the ticket
It's valid until tomorrow 04.29 am
A bus pulls away from its stop
Though nothing good is going to come out of
not being in bed asleep at that time
Hello. I've seen you sitting there... for an
hour or so now
Are you talking to me?
Yes. I've noticed you. Before. Nothing funny.
I work across the way
And you watch me?
No. That's sounds funny doesn't it...
If you say so
I mean funny. I don't mean funny funny. I
mean funny weird funny
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
It's just that you never go anywhere. Every
day. On this bench. You never go anywhere
Sam are at the back of the bus. Lisa is sitting, Sam stands. Lisa is
describing the people they pass. Sam turns back around and sits down
No way you can tell that?
Sam doesn't speak but she clearly disagrees
From ten seconds? Fifteen because so many
people get on? No way you can tell that
Lisa stares at Sam. Really looking at him. She looks him up and down
You've been working at the shop...
Carpet store
Carpet store for about three years. Longer
than you'd thought but there's a recession
and your girlfriend might leave you if you
had no job. So you stay there. You drive
rather than catch one of these
I'm not the only one who's been watching
You frayed collar, you can't be bothered
Sam fingers his collar
You can't be bothered to buy a new one if
you're leaving right?
Have you seen me with my girlfriend?
You got a picture on your car key fob, you
didn't have any idea of the price
You are pinning me to my seat. What else have
you got?
We have decided that we are going to put a bit of a twist on it. We are still going to keep the concept of a bus but change it slightly. So far we have an idea of the girl getting onto a bus and opening up her bus. She then starts to describe the guy in the book and suddenly in the background or to the side of her the guy appears. She then starts reading from the book but we are going to put a voice over on it rather than having her speak in the filming. Then when his lines come up he will lip sync to it and again have a voice over to it. At the end of the scene she closes the book at the guy disappears.We are going to play around with the camera to get different shots back and forth like in the film 'black hole'. Things like going back and forth form him to her.
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